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No matter how many projects, places or ideas you are working on, qualified design is hidden in quality details and nuances where time and effort has been spent. For home decoration, we can talk about many different parameters that can make interior design unique. One of the most important of these is undoubtedly the selection of colors. The effect of colors on interior design or space can be ignored. But we also understand from many scientific studies that colors have extremely important effects on human psychology. This highlights color preferences as a parameter to be considered in interior designs. In the content of this article, we will talk about the important details and principles of using colors correctly for interior design.


1- Tonne Firstly; It will not be enough to decide for only one color in any place where home, office or interior design will be made. The character of the chosen color; may change due to factors such as saturation and vitality. Therefore, choosing the color tone will bring a more beneficial design decision. In the broadest definition, the light color tones you prefer will make the space perceived more spacious and spacious, on the other hand, a more sophisticated and intimate space can be obtained when dark color tones are preferred. 2- Color Behaviors When considered fundamentally, colors for interior design uses; It behaves in 3 different ways as active, passive and neutral. Active colors include the part that we describe as warm in the color chart; What is meant by passive colors includes cold colors. Neutral colors are; The colors are black, grey, white and brown. These colors are used to establish a balance in the atmosphere presented in a design that includes both active and passive color tones.

3- Atmosphere The interior design you want to do or the colors you choose for your decor are directly related to the ambiance. Colors affect the viewpoints of the users according to their amount in the space. The colors you prefer should be coordinated or contrasted with each other. From this point of view, a decision should be made whether the design is desired to be harmonious and relaxing or whether it is desired to be interesting and dynamic. We should make our preferences for colors after this decision. An under-stimulated space contains weak color intensities or stable color contrasts; an overstimulated arrangement can produce highly saturated colors, strong contrasts, and a chaotic environment. The basic approach for this subject is about the interior design that will emerge and what its spirit is expected to be. For example, a living area is expected to have a dynamic effect or a bedroom to have a relaxing effect. In order to use all these effects in an appropriate and beneficial way, you need to find out which color will be more effective in which space. 4- Color and Psychology We talked about the basic parameters of color and the effects of these preferences on space and emotions. However, it is very important that we talk about the psychology of color and why it is important for interior architecture. These titles also have content that is very important to pay attention to in the interior design process. Color psychology is generally defined as "the handling of color balls as a determinant of human behavior". The urge to wonder about the effects of colors on human behavior appears as a reality dating back to extremely ancient times. How, then, does which color affect us? Let's talk about them briefly.

Red: Red is an extremely effective color for highlighting. It can be one of the best choices to add warmth to a cold place. To give an example, red accent walls have the power to change the perception of the space from head to toe. On the other hand, in addition to creating a perfect space for kitchen spaces, it is also known to have an appetite-inducing aspect. Being an intense color, red can raise the energy of a space and provides an effective first impression. Orange: For past cultures, orange was a color known as an energy booster and beneficial to our lungs. In today's definitions, it appears as a source of joy and a color associated with sunlight. Like red, orange is an excellent kitchen and exercise color that is appetizing. Yellow: According to Interior Designer Jennifer Agus, yellow is a color that can cheer you up, but choosing the right tone is important. It should not be too bright or too quiet. Orange yellow is one of the best choices for breakfast places and is an extremely effective color for emphasis. It is a color that can be very useful in kitchens, dining places and bathrooms, and it is observed in different sources that it is more possible for people to control their anger in places with intense yellow color, and it is stated in different sources that attention should be paid to ensure this balance. Green: Green has an extremely relaxing effect for the human eye and can be applied to any room in the home. It has a calming effect when preferred for the main color in interior design works. For example, combining light green with gray will give the space an extremely innovative effect. Apart from this, contrasts to be created with different color tones can provide an extremely effective and modern atmosphere. Interior Designer Shannon Kaye is about this color; He draws attention to the versatility of green color by saying that you can decorate an entire space with green colors and provide all concepts such as contrast, richness and balance.

Blue: The color blue has various effects when used for interior designs. Blue provides a calming effect by slowing down the metabolism. For this reason, it is considered beneficial to your mind and body when used in homes or offices. While sapphire blues can be as effective as other accent colors, they can create a "cold" atmosphere in spaces with little natural light, especially when used on walls. It is beneficial to balance this cold ambiance with warm furniture colors. Such balanced approaches, such as French blues and sunflower yellows, can turn into an extremely fun combination for a kitchen space. To summarize, in line with all these explanations, it can be clearly seen that colors are one of the parameters that have a great impact on interior design studies. In an interior design process, it can be said that colors are a design parameter that should be carefully considered during both the concept and the application phase.



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